ECPR 2019
The ECPR is organised by the Education Committee of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) and is part of a three-year cycle. The third ECPR in the series will take place Autumn 2019 in Paediatric Gasto-Intestinal/Genito-Urinary Imaging.
The next ECPR covers the paediatric abdomen and will take place in Utrecht on October 16-18th 2019.
Trainees in Paediatric Imaging are encouraged to complete all three courses along with a module of the European Course of Paediatric Neuroradiology (ECPNR). A European Diploma in Paediatric Radiology (EDPR) can be obtained after a final assessment at the ESPR annual meeting commencing 2020.
Who should attend?
Registration is open to all Paediatric Radiologists, Paediatric Radiologists in training, Radiologists with an interest in paediatric imaging or Paediatricians with an interest in paediatric chest imaging.
information to follow
The ESPR Board has agreed to provide financial support to eligible radiologists in training (residents/fellows) or young radiologists active in the field of paediatric radiology to attend the ECPR. 10 junior grants €500,- will we supported.
The following criteria will apply:
Target audience:
The grants are only available for radiologists in training (residents/fellows) and young radiologists active in the field of paediatric radiology. This status needs to be confirmed by a written, dated and signed letter from the applicant’s training coordinator/supervisor/head of department.
Age: The applicant must be 35 years or younger on the first day of course.
The grant will be paid to the grant receiver after attending the course. This will require the bank details of the grant receiver and confirmation of attendance to be forwarded to the ESPR Office (email: office@espr.org).
The grant applications need to be submitted at least one month before the deadline for Early Fee registration. Grant applications received after this date will not be considered.
Grant applications will be reviewed by the ESPR education committee and sent to the ESPR board for approval. The decision of the ESPR board is final.
Updates on the grants can be found on the ESPR website.
Course Venue
University Medical Center Utrecht – Q-building
Heidelberglaan 100
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
On the last course day of each ECPR course a written examination will take place, including a limited certificate in case of successful completion of this examination. Candidates that would like to apply for the final diploma examination must have passed all written examinations at the end of each module.
In case a candidate fails one of the ECPR exam, he or she has to wait until the next relevant cycle.
Instructions for candidates to follow.