ESPR internal procedures document
Download the ESPR internal procedures document, which describes all processes within our society as well as explains all roles within the ESPR Board.
This document, drafted by the ESPR Board, is constantly being reviewed. (latest update: June 2023)
50 years of ESPR
Please click here to download the image slides: ESPR 1963-2013
Society Statutes
The European Society of Paediatric Radiology’s registered address:
Bicêtre Hospital, Paediatric Radiology Department
78 rue du General Leclerc
94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre | France
Standards of Conduct within the ESPR membership
The overall mission of ESPR is that all children should have optimal health and well-being and are valued by our society. To achieve this goal, ESPR expects that all society members practice the highest quality of health care and use the best available diagnostic equipment and therapeutic interventions to promote the well-being of our young patients.
ESPR recognizes that its international membership consists of a broad and diverse community. Therefore, our goal is to establish strong connections, expand our perspectives, and promote unlimited collaboration among all members wherever they practice. All of these efforts are dedicated to benefiting our patients, who deserve the best available treatment, delivered with the utmost respect. With sincere passion, we truly value, and promote diversity and inclusiveness amongst all the individuals, groups, and vendors with whom we interact, collaborate, and share partnership.
ESPR fosters a working environment that embraces and celebrates diversity, promotes inclusiveness, and treats all individuals with dignity and respect. During all of its activities, the ESPR family expects that the working environment remains free from all forms of harassment, intimidation, hostility, or other offensive behaviour. Every member is expected to treat others with respect and professionalism, adhering to generally acceptable social behaviours. Any inappropriate actions will not be tolerated.
If a member believes that they or another member has potentially been subject to any form of harassment during one of our meetings/courses, they should report the alleged misconduct to the current society president. The president will then work in conjunction with the trustees to examine the case and provide guidance to the member and all involved parties. Strictest confidentiality will be protected to the greatest extent possible.
ESPR Board 2023
(updated January 2024)
Mission Statement
The aims of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology are the following:
– to organise and bring together physicians involved in the field of paediatric imaging
– to contribute to the progress of paediatric imaging particularly within but also outside Europe
– to encourage training and education with other branches of medical imaging and paediatrics in clinical, scientific, education and research fields
ESPR Board members
President (2023 – 2026)
Maria I. Argyropoulou, Ioannina/GR
General Secretary (2024 – 2027)
Owen Arthurs, London/UK
Treasurer (2024 – 2027)
Stéphanie Franchi-Abella, Le Kremlin Bicêtre/FR
Educational Committee Chair (2024 – 2027)
Eilish Twomey, Dublin/IE
Research Committee Chair (2024-2027)
Rutger Jan Nievelstein, Utrecht/NL
Congress Committee Chair (2024 – 2025)
Bogdan Stefan Olteanu, Bucharest/RO
Past-Congress Committee Chair (2024 – 2025)
Pablo Caro-Dominguez, Sevilla/ES
Future-Congress Committee Chair (2024 – 2025)
Rick R. van Rijn, Amsterdam/NL
jESPeR Committee Chair (2023 – 2026)
Greg Chambers, Leeds/UK
Publications Committee Chair (2024 – 2027)
Claudio Granata, Trieste/IT
Webmaster (2023-2026)
Julian Jürgens, Hamburg/DE
Karen Rosendahl, Tromsø/NO (2023 – 2026)
Philippe Petit, Marseille/FR(2022-2025)
Maria Raissaki, Heraklion/GR (2024-2027)
ESPR Representatives at ESR Committees
ESR Subspecialities and Allied Sciences Committee
Maria I Argyropoulou, Ioannina/GR
ESR Quality, Safety & Standards Committee
Maria Raissaki, Heraklion/GR
ESR Education Committee
Ignasi Barber, Barcelona/ES
ESR Research Committee
Susan Shelmerdine, London/UK
Gold medallists
2024 – K. Rosendahl, Norway
Find out more about her curriculum
2019 – C.M. Owens, United Kingdom
Find out more about her curriculum
2016 – P. Toma, Italy
Find out more about his curriculum
2015 – G. Sebag, France † Obituary
2014 – V. Donoghue, Ireland
Find out more about her curriculum
2013 – F. Avni, Belgium
Find out more about his curriculum
2012 – F. Brunelle, France
Find out more about his curriculum
2011 – R. Fotter, Austria
Find out more about his curriculum
2010 – U. Willi, Switzerland
Find out more about his curriculum
2008 – G. Kalifa, France
2007 – X. Lucaya, Spain
Honorary Members
2024 – A. Rossi, Italy
2024 – E. V. Mendez, Spain
2024 – P. Petit, France
2023 – C. Granata, Italy
2023 – J. Donaldson, USA
2022 – C. Adamsbaum, France
2022 – J.F. Chateil, France
2021 – R.v.Rijn, The Netherlands
2019 – R.J. Nievelstein, The Netherlands
2019 – K. Rosendahl, Norway
2019 – E. Sorantin, Austria
2018 – K. Darge, USA
2018 – M. Argyropoulou, Greece
2017 – M. Riccabona, Austria
2017 – P. Garcia-Peña, Spain
2016 – E. Kis, Hungary
2016 – D. Bulas, United States
2016 – C. Owens, United Kingdom
2014 – R. Arthur, Scotland
2014 – M. Haliloglu, Turkey
2013 – D. Pariente, France
2012 – C. Veyrac, France
2011 – R. De Bruyn, United Kingdom
2011 – G. Enriquez, Spain
2011 – C. Garcia, Chile
2011 – P. Kleinman, USA
2011 – G. Taylor, USA
2010 – F. Avni, Belgium
2010 – V. Donoghue, Ireland
2010 – P. Toma, Italy
2010 – F. Diard, France
2009 – R. Schumacher, Germany
2009 – N. Gourtsoyiannis, Greece
2009 – I. Boechat, USA
2009 – S. Chapman, United Kingdom
2009 – J. Troeger, Germany
2009 – E. Richter, Germany
2008 – R. Teele, USA
2008 – T. Slovis, USA † Obituary
2008 – I. Gassner, Austria
2008 – J. Fonseca Santos, Portugal
2007 – R. Fotter, Austria
2007 – P.A.N. Daltro, Brasil
2007 – G. Benz-Bohm, Germany
2007 – M. Spehl-Robberecht, Belgium
2006 – A.E. Oestreich, USA † Obituary
2006 – L. Garel, Canada
2006 – M. Meradji, The Netherlands
2006 – F. Brunelle, France
2005 – U. Willi, Switzerland
2005 – J.Ph. Montagne, France
2005 – G. Farielo, Italy
2004 – C. Hall, United Kingdom
2004 – A. Marcinski, Poland
2003 – G. Beluffi, Italy
2003 – H. Carty, United Kingdom † Obituary
2003 – B. Parker, USA
2003 – A. Pelizza, Italy †
2002 – S. Laurin, Sweden
2001 – J. Bar-Ziv, Israel
2001 – R.C. Brasch, USA
2001 – M. Hassan, France †
2001 – J.L. Strife, USA † Obituary
2000 – N. Blake, Ireland †
2000 – P. Kramer, The Netherlands † Obituary
2000 – G. Stake, Norway
1999 – M. Grunebaum, Israel
1999 – P. Thomas, Ireland
1998 – A. Daneman, Canada
1998 – G. Kalifa, France † Obituary
1997 – Y. Briand, France
1997 – T. Griscom, USA † Obituary
1997 – P. Small, England
1996 – R. Lebowitz, USA
1996 – B. Lombay, Hungary † Obituary
1994 – N.C. Perlmutter, Belgium † Obituary
1994 – H.G. Ringertz, Sweden
1994 – D.G. Shaw, United Kingdom
1993 – W. Holthusen, Germany †
1993 – J. Lucaya, Spain
1992 – W.E. Berdon, USA † Obituary
1991 – A. Chrispin, United Kingdom † Obituary
1991 – E.A. Franken, USA
1991 – D. Nussle, Switzerland † Obituary
1991 – B.P. Wood, USA †
1990 – D.R. Kirks, USA † Obituary
1989 – B.J. Cremin, South Africa † Obituary
1989 – K-D. Ebel, Germany †
1989 – H. Fendel, Germany †
1989 – E.M. Sweet, United Kingdom †
1988 – H.J. Kaufmann, Germany †
1987 – J. Bennet, France †
1987 – O.A. Eklöf, Sweden
1987 – C.A. Gooding, USA
1987 – D.C. Harwood-Nash, USA † Obituary
1987 – J.F. Holt, USA † Obituary
1987 – A.K. Poznanski, USA
1987 – H. Taybi, USA † Obituary
1984 – R. Astley, United Kingdom † Obituary
1983 – E. Willich, Germany † Obituary
1982 – C. Fauré, France † Obituary
1982 – A. Giedion, Switzerland † Obituary
1979 – J.A. Kirkpatrick Jr, USA † Obituary
1979 – A. Lassrich, Germany † Obituary
1979 – J. Sauvegrain, France †
1975 – U.G. Rudhe, Sweden †
1974 – F.N. Silverman, USA † Obituary
1973 – K.M. Gefferth, Hungary † Obituary
1973 – K. Rowinski, Poland †
1966 – J. Lefèbvre, France † Obituary
1965 – S.R. Kjellberg, Sweden † Obituary
1965 – E.B.D. Neuhauser, USA † Obituary
1964 – J. Caffey, USA † Obituary
1964 – L. Schall, Germany † Obituary
Previous ESPR Annual Meetings
2023 – Jovan Lovrenski, Belgrade, Serbia
2022 – Philippe Petit, Marseille, France
2021 – Andrea Rossi (ESPR) and Damien Grattan-Smith (SPR), Rome, Italy
2019 – Kirsi Lauerma, Helsinki, Finnland
2018 – Franz Wolfgang Hirsch, Berlin, Germany
2017 – Jacques Schneider, Davos, Switzerland
2016 – Karen Rosendahl (ESPR) and James Donaldson (SPR), Chicago, United States
2015 – Michael Riccabona and Erich Sorantin, Graz, Austria
2014 – Rutger J. Nievelstein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 – Éva Kis, Budapest, Hungary
2012 – Maria Argyropoulou, Athens, Greece
2011 – Catherine Owens (ESPR) and Dorothy Bulas (SPR), London, United Kingdom
2010 – Jean-François Chateil, Bordeaux, France
2009 – Mithat Haliloglu, Istanbul, Turkey
2008 – Stephen Chapman, Edinburgh, UK
2007 – Goya Enriquez, Barcelona, Spain
2006 – Richard Fotter (ESPR) and George Taylor (SPR), Montreal, Canada
2005 – Veronica Donoghue, Dublin, Ireland
2004 – Jochen Troeger, Heidelberg, Germany
2003 – Paolo Tomà, Genoa, Italy
2002 – Tore Nordhus, Bergen, Norway
2001 – Francis Brunelle (ESPR) and Janet Strife (SPR), Paris, France
2000 – Jose Fonseca Santos, Lisbon, Portugal
1999 – Jacob Bar-Ziv and Gabriel Kalifa, Jerusalem, Israel
1998 – Basilos Theodoropoulos, Rhodes, Greece
1997 – Ulrich Willi, Lugano, Switzerland
1996 – Paul Thomas (ESPR) and Kenneth Fellows (SPR) , Boston, USA
1995 – Peter Kramer, Utrecht, Netherlands
1994 – Fred Avni, Brussels, Belgium
1993 – Donald Shaw, London, United Kingdom
1992 – Bela Lombay, Budapest, Hungary
1991 – Hans Ringertz (ESPR) and Donald Kirks (SPR), Stockholm, Sweden
1990 – Helmut Fendel, Munich, Germany
1989 – Noel Blake, Dublin, Ireland
1988 – Daniel Nussle, Montreux, Switzerland
1987 – Denis Lallemand (ESPR) and Derek Harwood-Nash (SPR), Toronto, Canada
1986 – Javier Lucaya, Barcelona, Spain
1985 – Elizabeth Sweet, Glasgow, Scotland
1984 – Gianfranco Vichi, Florence, Italy
1983 – Clement Fauré, Paris, France
1982 – Antonin Rubin, Prague, Czechoslovakia
1981 – Gunnar Stake, Oslo, Norway
1980 – The Dutch Group of Paediatric Radiologists, The Hague, Netherlands
1979 – Klaus Dieter Ebel, Koln, Germany
1977 – Andreas Geidion, Lucerne, Switzerland
1976 – Ole Eklof, Stockholm, Sweden
1975 – Klaus Knapp, Madrid, Spain
1974 – Per-Erik Heikel, Helsinki, Finland
1973 – Roy Astley, Birmingham, UK
1972 – Jacques Sauvegrain, Paris, France
1971 – Gregers Rhomsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
1970 – Guido Lannacone, Rome, Italy
1969 – Ksawery Rowinsky, Warsaw, Poland
1968 – Arnold Lassrich, Hamburg, Germany
1967 – Herbert Kaufmann, Basel, Switzerland
1966 – John Sutcliffe, London, England
1965 – Ulf Rudhe, Stockholm, Sweden
1964 – Jacques Lefèbvre, Paris, France
Previous ECPR courses
Year | Location | Topic | Organisers |
2022 | Heraklion/GR | Neck/Chest | M. Raissaki, E. Alexopoulou, G. Papaioannou |
2021 | Online | Musculoskeletal | I. Barber, E. Inarejos, M. Navallas Irujo, L. Riera Soler |
2019 | Utrecht/NL | Abdomen | A. Littooij, R.J. Nievelstein, M. Raissaki, S. Stafrace |
2018 | Dublin/IE | Neck/Chest | E. Twomey, A. Paterson, A. Secinaro |
2017 | Utrecht/NL | Musculoskeletal | S. ter Horst, R.J. Nievelstein |
2016 | Oslo/NO | Abdomen | C. de Lange, L. S. Ording Müller |
2015 | Ioannina/GR | Central Nervous System | A. Rossi, N. Girard, M. Argyropoulou |
2014 | Sheffield/UK | Musculoskeletal | D. C. Hughes |
2013 | Rotterdam/NL | Thorax | M. H. Lequin |
2013 | Genoa/IT | Central Nervous System | A. Rossi, N. Girard, M. Argyropoulou |
2012 | Jena/DE | Abdomen | H. J. Mentzel |
2011 | Barcelona/ES | Musculoskeletal | I. Barber |
2011 | Marseille/FR | Central Nervous System | A. Rossi, N. Girard, M. Argyropoulou |
2010 | Florence/IT | Thorax | C. Fonda |
2009 | Amsterdam/NL | Abdomen | R. van Rijn, A. Smets, E. Deurloo |
2008 | London/UK | Central Nervous System | K. Chong |
2007 | Mainz/DE | Musculoskeletal | R. Schumacher |
2006 | Rouen/FR | Emergencies | J.-N. Dacher |
2005 | Brussels/BE | Thorax | M. Spehl, C. Christophe |
2004 | Madrid/ES | Abdomen | T. Berrocal |
2003 | Zürich/CH | Central Nervous System | E. Martin-Fiori, T. Huisman |
2002 | Budapest/HU | Musculoskeletal | B. Lombay |
2001 | Lund/SE | Thorax | S. Laurin |
2000 | Graz/AT | Abdomen | F. Fotter |
1999 | Genoa/IT | Central Nervous System | P. Tortori-Donati |
1998 | Montpellier/FR | Musculoskeletal | C. Adamsbaum, G. Sebag |
1997 | Liverpool/UK | Thorax | H. Carty |
1996 | Köln/DE | Abdomen | G. Benz-Bohm |
1995 | Marseille/FR | Central Nervous System | C. Raybaud |
1994 | Barcelona/ES | Thorax | G. Enriquez |
1993 | Genoa/IT | Musculoskeletal | P. Toma |
1992 | Biarritz/FR | Abdomen | F. Brunelle |
ESPR - Jacques Lefèbvre Lectures
2023 – M. Đorđević, Penile reconstructive surgery in children and adolescents
2022 – A. Offiah, United Kingdom: Reverse radiology : diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias in the era of whole exome sequencing, artificial intelligence and drug trials
2021 – P. Toma, Italy: Lessons of a life as a pediatric radiologist
2019 – M. Kortesniemi, Finnland: From image quality to care outcome
2018 – J. Frahm, Germany: Real‐time MRI
2017 – Ch. Zollikofer, Switzerland: Hominid Evo-Devo: Reconstructing the evolution of human development
2016 – S. Fraser, USA: Multimodal Imaging of the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Events Underlying Embryonic Development
2015 – B.D. Coley, USA: What US can do – from dolphins and bats to modern imaging
2014 – R. van Langh, Netherlands: The use of radiographic techniques in the study of art objects
2013 – I. Seri, USA: Vital organ assignment in the very preterm neonate: Differences in fore- and hindbrain blood flow regulation by simultaneous use of MRI and NIRS
2012 – N. Gourtsoyiannis, Greece: Strives for International Radiology Education: The European Experience
2011 – S.S. Ghambir, USA: Molecular imaging
2010 – L. Garel, Canada: Antenatal imaging: what is the real impact?
2009 – E. Ozbay, Turkey: Current Status and Applications of Nanotechnology: Radiology
2008 – D. Donnai, United Kingdom: Understanding dysmorphology
ESPR - JESPeR Lectures
2023 – K. Darge, United States: Hot topics in paediatric radiology in the next decade
2022 – A. Taylor, United Kingdom: Artificial Intelligence in cardiac imaging
2021 – Z. Patay, United States: Imaging challenges in the assessment of response to therapy in pediatric neurooncology
2019 – M. Seed, Canada: Fetal Cardiac MRI
2018 – H. K. Hahn, Germany: What is ‘Radiomics’ and What is it good for?
2017 – Ch. Kellenberger, Switzerland: Common artefacts in paediatric MRI – How to recognise, avoid or take advantage of them
2015 – R. Fotter, Austria: The paediatric radiologist of the future – doctor or photographer?
2014 – R. R. van Rijn, Netherlands: Imaging child abuse – an update and lessons from an expert
2013 – A. Rossi, Italy: Pediatric multiple sclerosis, ADEM, and other demyelinating diseases: where do we stand?
2012 – S. Andronikou, South Africa: Tuberculosis from A to Ω
2011 – A. Daneman, Canada: Unique radiographic and sonographic features of the neonatal abdomen
2010 – S. Ryan, Ireland: Paediatric radiology on call—small patients not big problems
2009 – A. Watt, United Kingdom: MRI of the abdomen
2008 – S. Robben, Netherlands : Everything you always wanted to know about ultrasonography, but were afraid to ask
2007 – F. Avni, Belgium: Why do we need a strong leadership in paediatric radiology?
2006 – D. Jaramillo, USA: Pediatric MSK MR: How I do It
2005 – S. Chapman, United Kingdom: How to.. Write a scientific paper and get it accepted
2004 – M. Hiorns, United Kingdom: How do I do it in fluoroscopy?
ESPR Awards and Grants
The ESPR awards those who have enhanced the quality of paediatric radiology through innovation and scientific excellence. Currently, five awards and one grant are offered each or every second year during the annual ESPR congress, to first authors/presenters who are (registrar) radiologists working in European institutions.
The purpose of these awards is to provide recognition for excellence in teaching and research and to promote academic approach in paediatric radiology.
The awardees are chosen by a jury led by the ESPR Research Committee’s Chair before or during the Annual Meeting. The awards amount varies between 300-800 € while the grant is 10.000 €. Each prize/grant can be received once.
The scientific awards are based on the following criteria (in this order of priority):
1. Scientific content; ie study design and performance
2. Innovation
3. Presentation.
Jacques Lefèbvre Award
Jacques Lefèbvre Award (800 €), introduced in 1977, is awarded for the best science research paper presented at the annual ESPR congress. The recipient should be under the age of 40. The recipient will be invited (free-of-charge) to present the paper at the next SPR/IPR meeting.
2024 | D. Veiga | Spain | Neuroblastoma overall survival models based on magnetic resonance radiomics and deep features |
2023 | R. Meshaka | United Kingdom | Quantified Motility MR enterography in IBD |
2022 | A. Martin-Champetier | France | Relevance of routine abdominopelvic ultrasound in suspected child abuse inchildren under 2 years of age: review of 15 years of experience |
2021 | J. Herrmann | Germany | Accelerating whole-body MRI in pediatric patients with Cancer Predisposition Syndrome: Preliminary results |
2019 | G. Chambers | France | Radiological appearances and clinical follow-up of focal nodular hyperplasia in children: a review of 71 patients |
2018 | P. Caro Dominguez | Spain | MR assessment of blood flow distribution in fenestrated and completed Fontan statuses |
2017 | S. Toso | Switzerland | Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound, computed tomography and wedge portography in the work-up for mesenterico-rex bypass in children with extrahepatic portal hypertension |
2016 | L. Laborie | Norway | Fetal, infant, and childhood growth and acetabular hip dysplasia at skeletal maturity: findings from a prospective study with follow-up from newborn to adult life |
2015 | J. Shur | United Kingdom | Size matters: Dose reference levels (DRL’s) based on patient thickness, instead of age |
2014 | S. Kinner | Germany | MR colonographywith diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) in childrenand adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) |
2013 | A. Viehweger | Germany | The Gini-coefficient: a new method to assess fetal brain development |
2012 | J. Vazquez | Spain | External manual reduction with US assistance: a new procedure for pediatric idiopathic ileocolic intussuseption |
2011 | C. Duran | Spain | Voiding urosonography: normal and abnormal appearance of the urethra |
2010 | L. S. Ording-Müller | Norway | Development of the wrist: normal standards based on MRI for 6-15 year-olds |
2009 | K. McDonald | United Kingdom | DWI to assess chemotherapy response in solid tumours |
2008 | M. B. Damasio | Italy | Which is the best imaging modality to capture bone erosions in juvenile idiopathic arthritis? |
2007 | C. Sporcq | Belgium | Reappraisal of the sonographic characteristics of the fetal and newborn kidney: introducing the cortico-medullary ratio |
2006 | P. Ou | France | Magnetic resonance assessment of aortic flow dynamics and aortic arch geometry in patients with successful repair of coarctation of the aorta |
2005 | C. J. Kellenberger | Switzerland | Cardiovascular MRI for investigating newborns and infants with congenital heart disease |
2004 | C. Jourdan | Germany | US evaluation of intima-media thickness (IMT) and elastic properties. Distensibility, stiffness, and incremental modulus of elasticity of the common carotid artery as marker of early vascular damage in children with chronic renal failure and reference values |
2003 | N. Boddaert | France | 18F-fluoro-L-Dopa PET scan in focal forms of hyperinsulinism of infancy |
2002 | M. Cassart | Belgium | The sssessment of fetal uronephropathies by MR imaging |
2001 | M. K. Lidegran | Sweden | MRI and echocardiography in assessment of ventricular function in atrially corrected transposition of the great arteries |
2000 | F. Ziereisen | Belgium | Doppler assessment of pulsatility index (PI) of the uterine artery in girls around puberty |
1999 | F. Rypens | Belgium | Fetal lung volume estimation by MRI: normal values and potential use |
1998 | N. Nicaise | Belgium | Dynamic gd DTPA Enhanced T1W turbo field echo imaging: interest in paediatric renal evaluation |
1997 | L. Hertz-Pannier | France | Non-invasive preoperative motor mapping in hcildren with brain functional MRI |
1996 | W. K. Rohrschneider | Germany | US, CT and MR imaging characteristics in nephroblastomatosis: evaluation of 23 patients |
1995 | G. Sebag | France | Magnetic Resonance Angiography of Pediatric Rena Transplants with Quantification of Allograft Blood Flow |
1994 | C. Adamsbaum | France | Vermian Agenesis without Posterior Fossa Cyst |
1993 | M. Chami | France | Ultrasound Contribution in the Analysis of the Newborn and Infant Normal Foot and Club Foot: Preliminary Study |
1992 | A. Hollman | United Kingdom | Colour Doppler Imaging of the Acute Pediatric Scrotum |
1991 | J-P. Pracos | France | Systematic Study of Superior Mesenteric Vessels in Abdominal US |
1990 | C. Garel | France | Laryngeal Ultranographic Study in Infants and Children: Pathological Findings |
1989 | P. Winkler | Germany | Major Pitfalls in the Doppler Examination of the Cerebral Vascular System |
1988 | K-H. Deeg | Germany | Pulsed Doppler Sonographic Measurement of Normal Values for the Flow Velocities in the Cerebral Arteries of Healthy Infants |
1987 | N. Sellier | France | Focal Cortical Dysplasia: A rare Cause of Epilepsy |
1986 | D. Pariente | France | Biliary Tract invovement in Children with Histiocytosis X |
1985 | F. Avni | Belgium | Ultrasonic Demonstration of Abnormal and Atypical Gallbladder Content in Newborns |
1984 | C. Veyrac | France | Ultrasound of Normal and Pathologic Choroid Plexus |
1983 | F. Brunelle | France | Percutaneous Cholecystography in Children |
1982 | A. Couture | France | Ultrasonographic Exploration of Cerebral Malformations |
1981 | L. Garel | France | The Renal Sinus: An Important Anatomical Landmark in Children |
1980 | M. Spehl-Robberecht | Belgium | Ultrasonic Study of Pancreas in Cystic Fibrosis |
1979 | M. Brauner | France | Metrizamide Myelography in Infants with Brain Injury to the Brachial Plexus |
1978 | L. Garel | France | Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in Children: 19 cases |
1977 | H. Ringertz | Norway | The Width of the Cranial Sutures in the Neonate: An Objectif |
Poster Awards
Two Poster Awards (each 300 €) are given, one for the best scientific poster presented and one for the best educational poster (case reports are considered in this group). No age restraints.
2024 | A. Jelenkovic | Serbia | Diffusion-weighted in the assessment of Immunomodulatory Therapy response in children with imflammatory bowel disease |
2024 | I. Freitas | Portugal | Deciphering the Vascular anomalies: a pediatric Radiologists’ Simplified Guide to cracking their code |
2023 | J. Barber | United Kingdom | Bowel ultrasound: the essentials to the extraordinary |
2023 | T. Radovic | Serbia | Renal allograft function using ASL MRI perfusion |
2022 | FM Callaghan | Switzerland | Artificial Intelligence segmentation of pediatric MR urography |
2022 | A. Ntorkou | France | Imaging of the middle and inner ear in syndromic hearing loss |
2021 | M. Navallas | Spain | Practical approach to MRI of the temporomandibular joint In Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Edu Poster) |
2021 | M. Born | Germany | Feasibility of assessing systemic oxalosis by MRI (Sci Poster) |
2019 | A. S. Linhares Moreira | Portugal | The good and the bad in pediatric thoracic CT radiation dose – The experience of our centre |
2019 | L. R. Martin | Spain | Magnetic resonance imaging of cardiomyopathies in childhood |
2018 | D. M. Renz | Germany | Is there a T1 weighted signal increase within the dentate nucleus and the globus pallidus after serial application of Gd-DTPA versus gadobutrol in paediatric populations? (Sc Poster) |
2018 | A. Barakat | United Kingdom | A resident’s guide to paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma: a pictorial review (Edu Poster) |
2017 | M. Cristallo Lacalamita | Switzerland | Imaging of cancer therapy related toxicities in children: A pictorial essay (Edu Poster) |
2017 | H. Joo Shin | Korea | Liver Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in children (Sc Poster) |
2016 | J.E. Park | Korea | Three-dimensional, T1-weighted Gradient-Echo Imaging of the Brain with a Radial Sampling of K-Space: An Alternative Technique to Reduce Motion Artifacts in Breathless Children (Sc Poster) |
2016 | J. Adu | United Kingdom | Early Onset Infantile Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Edu Poster) |
2015 | D. Kljucevsek | Slovenia | Contrast- enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) of bowel wall with quantitative assessment of Crohn’s disease activity in child: a case report (Edu Poster) |
2015 | M. Napolitano | Italy | MR assessment of Crohn’s disease activity in a paediatric population: correlation with clinical index of disease (Sc Poster) |
2014 | A. Tanase | France | Ultra low dose imaging for the follow up of idiopathic scoliosis: feasibility of spinal 3D reconstructions and reproducibility of 3D parameters reproducibility- a pilot study |
2013 | C. Duran | Spain | Voiding urosonography: a pictorial essay of the lower urinary tract pathology |
2012 | O. Arthurs | United Kingdom | Diffusion weighted MRI of the fetal brain in intrauterine growth restriction |
2011 | C. Fonda | Italy | 3T arterial spin labelling (ASL) in pediatric patients |
2010 | M. Brun | France | Diffusion tensor imaging in attention deficits in children treated for posterior fossa tumours: preliminary results |
2009 | G. M. Barez | Spain | Spectrum of Imaging findings in the brachial apparatus anomalies |
2008 | J-F. Chateil | France | Imaging of acquired spinal cord lesions and spinal canal pathology in children |
2007 | S. Punwani | United Kingdom | Effects of reducing radiation dose on lung nodule detection |
2006 | I. Sorge | Germany | Reduction of radiotherapy in children with early stages of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Influenced by a new imaging and FDG-PET based strategy |
2005 | G. Enriquez | Spain | Prenatal assessment of lung hypoplasia in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: correlation between volumetric MRI and biometric ultrasound measurements |
2004 | H. J. Mentzel | Germany | Comparison of Whole-Body STIR-MRI and 99mTc-Methylene Diphosphonate Scintigraphy in the Examination of Children With Suspected Multifocal Bone Lesions |
2003 | R. Schumacher | Germany | Sonographical anatomy of the Anal Sphincter Complex (ASC) and levator ani muscle in neonates and infants |
2002 | C. Owens | United Kingdom | The Utility of MRI in the Assessment of Symptomatic Adenoidal Hypertrophy and Rhynosinusitis in Children – Pre-And-Post – Medical Therapy |
2001 | W. Rohrschneider | Germany | Static Dynamic MR-Urography – Simultaneous Morphological and Fonctional Evaluation of the Urinary Tract |
2000 | M. Valle | Italy | High-frequency US detection of the brachial plexus in newborns and infants |
1998 | H. Brisse | France | In Utero MRI Normal Gyral Development of the Human Brain |
1997 | P. Schmit | France | Congenital Hepatic Vascular Malformations in Children |
1995 | P. Schmit | France | Imaging of Cystic Mesenchymal Hamatomas of the Liver. Review of 13 Patients |
1994 | H. Gomes | France | Neonatal Hip Sonography from Anatomy to Sonography |
Young Researcher Award
Young Researcher Award (500 €), made for outstanding contributions to paediatric imaging by young scientists, is awarded for the best poster OR scientific paper. The recipient should be under the age of 35.
2024 | I. de Vries | Netherlands | Predictive value of early radiologic tumor volume response in IRS group III RMS: results of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study group RMS 2005 |
2023 | N. Kocher | Switzerland | ZTE sequences with AI image reconstruction for TMJ in JIA |
2022 | R. Meshaka | United Kingdom | Lateral radiographs: do they improve fracture detection in physical abuse? |
2022 | M. Olsen-Fossmark | Norway | The prevalence of clinically silent cerebral haemorrhage in children with increasing head circumference |
2021 | J.N. Van der Beek | Netherlands | Direct correlation of MRI with histopathology in pediatric renal tumors through the use of a patient-specific 3D-printed cutting guide: A pilot study |
2019 | P. Zadig | Norway | Bone marrow signal on Whole Body MRI in healthy, asymptomatic children. Establishing novel reference standards |
2018 | B. Vaarwerk | Netherlands | Does surveillance imaging lead to earliest detection of relapse and thus to improved survival in paediatric patients with RMS? The European experience |
2017 | V. Della Valle | France | Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in children |
2016 | M. Paddock | United Kingdom | What is the value of spine, hand and foot radiographs as part of the skeletal survey for diagnosing suspected physical child abuse? |
2015 | S. Shelmerdine | United Kingdom | Achondroplasia: Really Rhizomelic |
2014 | A. Slaar | The Netherlands | A clinical decision rule for acute wrist trauma in children |
2013 | N. Lochbühler | Switzerland | MRI assessment of inflammatory activity and mandibular growth following intra-articular TMJ steroid injection in children with JIA |
2012 | L. B. Laborie | Norway | Associations between femoroacetabular impingement and hip dysplasia as demonstrated radiographically. Preliminary results |
2011 | N. Gupta | United Kingdom | Predictors of vesicoureteric reflux in infants with UTI using NICE criteria |
2010 | O. Arthurs | United Kingdom | MR Voiding cystourethrography for vesico-ureteric reflux in unsedated infants |
2008 | J. Herrmann | Germany | Capsular arterial collateralisation after paediatric liver transplantation |
2007 | M. Alison | France | In vivo targeting of macrophagic activity with MRI contrast agent (USPIO) in an experimental model of neonatal brain lesions |
2006 | I. Sorge | Germany | Reduction of radiotherapy in children with early stages of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, influenced by a new imaging and FDG-PET based strategy |
2005 | M. Raissiki | Greece | Eye-Lens Bismuth Shielding in Pediatric Head CT Examinations |
2004 | A. B. Barnacle | United Kingdom | Image-guided Percutaneous Biopsy of Soft Tissue Masses in Children |
2003 | M. Brun | France | Phonological decoding in dyslexic children: activation pattern in fMRI |
Innovation Award
Innovation Award (500 €) is made for the most innovative oral or poster presentation, whether scientific or educational. No age restraints.
2024 | I. Altmann-Schneider | Switzerland | Artificial Intelligence-aided fracture detectinon in a paediatric emergency department: the end of mis-diagnosis? |
2023 | C. Salzlechner | Austria | Fully automated Cobb angle in coronal plane spine radiographs |
2022 | L. Tanturri de Horatio | Italy | A novel MRI scoring system for active and chronic changes in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis of the hip. |
2021 | H. Hebelka | Sweden | Shear Wave Elastography has potential to classify non-fibrotic liver tissue in children with suspected or established liver disease non-invasively: A prospective study with histologic correlation |
President’s Award
The President’s Award (500 €) is given at the discretion of the sitting meeting president, for the best national oral or poster presentation. No age restraints.
2024 | J. Muchart | Spain | Impact of Intraoperative MRI in a paediatric surgery program, does it make a difference? |
2023 | S. Barbir-Balj | Serbia | Conservative vs surgical treatment of parapneumonic effusions |
2022 | L. Cardoen | France | Fat-containing soft-tissue tumors in children, adolescents and young adults: which one to biopsy? |
2021 | L. Anfigeno | Italy | Diffusion-weighted MRI in the evaluation of renal parenchymal involvement during febrile urinary tract infections in children: Preliminary data |
2019 | Not awarded | ||
2018 | D. Dünger | Germany | Do we need gadolinium-based contrast medium for brain MRI in children? |
2017 | R. Gnannt | Switzerland | Increased risk of venous thrombosis of the arm with multiple peripherally inserted central catheters insertion in paediatric patients |
2016 | L.K. Suther | Norway | Image quality assessment of 3T MR coronary angiography (3D SSFP) in patients operated for transposition of thegGreat arteries with three qualitative methods |
2015 | C. Wieser | Austria | Vessel flexibility index as a new marker for cardio-vascular disease – a pilot study |
2014 | A. S. Littooij | The Netherlands | Whole-body MRI for staging of paediatric lymphoma: prospective comparison to an FDG-PET/CT-based reference standard |
2013 | G. Pasztor | Hungary | The importance of pyelectasis – report of a clinical study in progress |
2012 | P. Xenophontos | Greece | Detection of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)-type lesions in children with inflammatory bowel disease via MRCP: a relative risk measures analysis |
2011 | S. Punwani | Greece | MRI vs. PET/CT for detection of focal splenic lesions in paediatric and adolescent lymphoma at initial staging |
2010 | S. Franchi-Abella | France | Congenital portosystemic shunt: complications and outcome after closure: about 19 pediatric cases |
2009 | E. Senocak | Turkey | MRI and DWI findings in children with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: tendancy for symmetricity |
2008 | A. Calder | United Kingdom | Computed tomography compared with ultrasound and chest radiography in children with pleural empyema |
2007 | C. Duran | Spain | Voiding cystosonography for the study of the urethra |
2005 | A. Larke | Ireland | MRI findings as an indication of underlying genetic lesions in congenital malformations of the brain |
2004 | A. K. Kilian | Germany | Prenatal magnetic resonance (MR) lung volumetry of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): Comparison with the clinical outcome and the necessity of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) |
Guy Sebag Research Grant
The Guy Sebag Research Grant (10.000 €) was established in honor of Prof. Guy Sebag (1959-2014), a highly esteemed advocate and promoter of paediatric radiology and research.
This funding opportunity is to be awarded every second year during the ESPR Congress.
The grant is for clinical, basic or translational research in paediatric radiology, aiming at stimulating new research initiatives rather than funding mature research programs, including pilot studies that will subsequently lead to larger studies in Pediatric Radiology.
Eligibility Criteria:
The grant is open for proposals to researchers of all ages working in a radiology department in Europe. Applicants are typically trainee or registrar level radiologists working in European institutions. There are no age restraints.
The project should not have previously received funding from another grant, or form part of another ongoing project application. The project will have a single Principal Investigator (PI) who will be the grant recipient. Collaborators and contributors are welcomed, and the direct supervisor or departmental head must support the project. Only one grant may be awarded per applicant during their academic career.
Funding available:
Applications may request up to €10,000 for a period not to exceed 24 months. How the awarded funding will be allocated must be explained in the application. The ESPR reserve the right not to award the grant
Successful applicants will be notified prior to the ESPR congress of that year (e.g. applications in January 2023 will be notified prior to ESPR 2023). The winner will be expected to
a) Become an ESPR member
b) Help prepare a press release about the award
c) Present their work at future ESPR meetings
d) Report to the ESPR Board regarding how the prize money was spent.
Application and deadline:
Please email this completed form and a short CV by 31 January to: office@espr.org
2023 | P. Caro Dominguez | Spain | Fetal Cardiac MRI |
2021 | E. Piccirilli | Italy | Radiomic/ Radiogenomic approach and use of Artificial Intelligence in Pediatric Brain Tumours |
2019 | D. Gräfe – Personal profile | Germany | Real-Time Cardiac MRI |
2017 | S. Shelmerdine – Personal profile | United Kingdom | PRACTICAL – PeRinatal Autopsy Conducted with Targeted Imaging Core-biopsy triAL |
Other Awards
If felt justified, the ESPR Research Committee is giving additional awards / prizes for outstanding presentations.
2022 | E. Riley | United Kingdom | Prevalence of metaphyseal fractures in children with osteogenesis imperfecta in the first two years of life |
ESPR Partners
The ESPR’s partner societies are similarly committed to improve the health care of the patient by providing excellence of diagnostic imaging and treatment of neonates, infants, children and adolescents.
Like the ESPR, these societies aim to disseminate information/education to all paediatric health care providers using radiologic imaging techniques.
Primarily through their annual national meetings and the dedicated monthly journal, Pediatric Radiology (co-produced by the four societies), they promote scientific review and critical appraisal of the specialty for their members and the international medical community. Moreover, they establish liaisons and provide information to local, state, regional, and international organisations holding responsibility for and authority over the development of both regulations and guidelines governing the medical imaging of paediatric patients.
The ESPR and its partner societies nurture their mutual ties. Their close cooperation and shared dedication to education and research aims to capitalise on improvements to healthcare standards in the imaging of children.
Asian and Oceanic Society for Paediatric Radiology (AOSPR)
The Asian and Oceanic Society for Paediatric Radiology (AOSPR) is a society of Paediatric Radiologists in the Asian and Oceanic region stretching from Turkey and Jordan in the West to Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines in the East and covering all points in between. The AOSPR is dedicated to the promotion of Paediatric Radiology in the Asia-Oceanic region through cooperative research, teaching and education.
Sociedad Latino Americano de Radiologia Pediatrica (SLARP)
SLARP is a professional paediatric radiological society dedicated to the care of babies, children and adolescents.
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is an apolitical, non-profit organisation, exclusively and directly dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of Radiology in all European countries.
Image gently – Alliance for Radiation Safety in paediatric Imaging
ESPR is one of the affiliate members of the “The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging”
The recent development of remarkable equipment, such as multi-detector row computed tomography (CT), and increased utilisation of x-ray and nuclear medicine studies have, no doubt, improved the lives of our patients and helped revolutionise the practice of medicine.
European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP)
The EAP comprises of paediatricians, and national and specialist paediatric societies from every European country. It is also the Paediatric Section of the Union of European Medical Specialities (UEMS). The aim of the EAP is to promote child health and to harmonise standards of paediatric training and services throughout Europe.
World Federation of Paediatric Imaging (WFPI)
In 2011, the four regional Societies – the European Society of Paediatric Radiology, the Society for Pediatric Society, the Latin American Society of Paediatric Radiology and the Asian and Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology – united to establish the World Federation of Paediatric Imaging (WFPI).
European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR)
EIBIR has the aim of co-ordinating and supporting the development of biomedical imaging technologies and the dissemination of knowledge with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
European Paediatric Association (EPA)
The European Paediatric Association (EPA) is a pan-European scientific association for clinically practicing general paediatricians. The EPA’s primary aims include encouraging inter-actions between National Paediatric Associations in Europe, stimulating collaborative research into paediatrics in Europe, improving the quality of paediatric patient care in all European countries, promoting the exchange of national experiences in the various fields of patient care and co-operating with paediatric associations worldwide, the WHO and UNICEF.
Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR)
SIR Foundation is dedicated to advancing the clinical needs of interventional radiology by specializing in developing investigators trained in conducting pivotal basic and clinical trials research.
SIR is comprised of more than 6,000 members involved in all aspects of interventional radiology.